Finanzierung 3 Header

Realistic financing of Jorns bending machines – making dreams reality.

Are your order books full and you dream of having your own bending machine to carry out all these orders profitably? With our financing plans, purchasing a Jorns bending machine is possible, even with minimal equity. We can help turn your dream into reality.

You can purchase a Jorns bending machine with minimal equity and specify the monthly repayments depending on your requirements and possibilities. You can then generate turnover consistently throughout the repayment period, and the machine is then yours once payments are complete.

Our financing partners would be happy to provide you with details of a realistic financing plan for your Jorns bending machine. With a personally tailored financing solution, you benefit from scheduled monthly repayments at preferential rates, maintain a free hand with the liquid assets at your bank and can enjoy a complete handover of ownership at the end of the repayment period. The dream of owning your own Jorns bending machine then becomes reality!

Take advantage of the clever financing solutions on offer for your Jorns bending machine. Get in touch with us today, we would be happy to help.

Marc Jorns

Marc Jorns

Phone +41 62 919 80 50

Reto Staeger

Reto Staeger
Head of Marketing & Sales

Phone +41 62 919 80 50

Christoph Schifferle

Christoph Schifferle
Sales Support

Phone +41 62 919 80 50